

I grew up in a family of storytellers. 

We spent loads of time sitting around a table or talking while walking the dog.

We reported on the day’s activities, family history, or reimagined folktales.

Sometimes we stretched the truth to entertain one another. 

And we often created silly or serious voices to make our stories feel real. 

But always, it was a way of sharing with others. 

What did we see?

Where did we see it?

How did we feel about it?

Now when I’m the storyteller, I always consider my audience first. 

What are their interests? What life experiences have they had?

Do they like read-aloud books, rhyme, fiction, or nonfiction?

Do they like stories that make them think, imagine, or laugh?

I still think that storytelling is the best way to draw others into the circle, to share feelings, expectations, hopes, and dreams.